The hidden costs of homeownership: What to expect after you buy



买房对许多人来说是梦想成真, but the financial responsibilities don't stop once you have the keys.

While you might have budgeted for your 抵押贷款, there are several hidden costs that can catch new homeowners by surprise.

Knowing what to expect can help you plan better and avoid financial stress later on.



Your home might look perfect when you move in, 但是随着时间的推移, 东西会开始磨损或损坏.

From a leaky faucet to a malfunctioning HVAC system, maintenance and repairs are part of the homeowner's journey. It’s wise to set aside a portion of your budget—ty图片ally about 你房屋价值的1-4% 每年保养.

For smaller repairs and improvements, consider tackling them yourself to save on labor costs. There are tons of online resources and tutorials available to guide you through basic home maintenance tasks. 自己动手做!

If you’re facing larger repairs or improvements and need additional funds, 为抵押贷款再融资 会是一个聪明的解决方案吗. 通过再融资, you might lower your monthly 抵押贷款 payment or tap into your home’s equity to cover significant repair costs.


相关文章: Don't let your tax return control your home repairs: a guide to smart saving



房产税 can be a shocker, especially if you’re coming from a rental situation.

These taxes vary by location and can increase over time as your home’s value grows. Make sure you understand how much you'll be paying annually and plan for possible increases in the future. 

It’s a good idea to check if your 抵押贷款 includes an escrow account, which helps manage these payments alongside your 抵押贷款.

If I saw this costume I would run away and not look back. #那不勒斯 房产税非常可怕. # realestatelife # realestatememes # naplespropertytax 图片.推特.com/ZKxp1YQMyv

- re1 Advisor, LLC. (@RE1Advisor) 2021年9月18日


One way to manage your property tax burden is by taking advantage of the 宅地豁免,这可以节省大量开支.

在路易斯安那州, homeowners who live in their primary residence can apply for this exemption, which reduces the assessed value of your home by up to $7,500. This means that a portion of your home’s value is safe from property taxes, 降低你的年度税单. 我们在哪里报名??

资格, you need to file a 宅地豁免 application with your local parish assessor's office, 通常在所有权的第一年内.

一旦获得批准, the exemption will automatically renew each year as long as you continue to live in the home!



Protecting your investment is important, so homeowners' insurance is a must.

However, the cost can vary based on things like location, the age of your home, and coverage limits.

If you live in an area prone to natural disasters, 比如飓风或洪水, 你可能需要额外的保险, 哪些因素会抬高你的成本.  *咳嗽*路易斯安那*咳嗽*

1) Flood 保险 must be purchased before a storm forms, since there is usually a 30-day waiting period.
2) A ty图片al home policy does NOT include flood insurance. # hurricaneseason #模因 # starwars # floodinsurnace #洪水 图片.推特.com/XcPKnhyLWr

— Wiglesworth-Rindom 保险 (@FLinsurepro) 2021年7月8日


管理保险费用, get quotes from multiple insurance providers to find the best rates for homeowners insurance. 



如果你是租房, utilities might have been included in your rent, 但是作为房主, 你负责支付一切费用. 水的成本, 电, 气体, 互联网, 虫害控制, 甚至垃圾收集也会迅速积累起来.

Consider investing in energy-saving upgrades:

  • 节能家电: 将旧电器更换为 能源之星®把 模型.
  • 绝缘材料: Proper insulation helps maintain your home’s temperature and reduces heating and cooling costs.
  • 智能恒温器: Install a programmable or smart thermostat to better manage your energy usage.
  • LED照明: Switch to LED bulbs, which use less energy and last longer than traditional incandescent bulbs.



If your new home is in a community with an HOA, you'll likely have to pay monthly or annual fees.

These fees cover the maintenance of common areas, 设施, and sometimes services like snow removal or landscaping. While these can add value to your living experience, 它们也会增加成本, so it’s important to factor them into your overall budget.

相关文章: HOA:祝福还是诅咒?

For more detailed information on navigating the homebuying process, download our free 买房行为指南.

The "Complete Guide to Buying the 首页 You Love" is a comprehensive how-to guide walking you through every step of the home buying journey.

This jargon-free roadmap covers 12 steps you can take to confidently buy the home of your dreams, regardless if you are a first time home buyer or an experienced homeowner. 



拥有自己的房子是一个重要的里程碑, 但要有明智的财务规划, you can navigate the challenges that come with it. 在时间, you’ll likely find that the joy and sense of stability that come with owning your own home far outweigh the concerns.



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